
Letzte Aktualisierung am 24. Mai 2018

Your privacy is of great importance to us. We observe due care in processing and protecting personal data. During the processing we stick to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This means that your information is secure, and we use it properly. In this privacy policy we will explain what we do with the information we retrieve from you while you use Tournify.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Online purchases

If you purchase one of the upgrades, we use your personal data to handle the payment. We retrieve information about the payment from your bank or credit card company via our payment service provider Mollie.

We use your payment details, name, (invoice) address and email to do so. We need this because of the contract we draw up with you. We store this information up to seven years after the payment (the legal retention period).


You can take a payed subscription to our service, for which we use your personal data to handle the payment.

We use your payment details, name, (invoice) address and email to do so. We need this because of the contract we draw up with you. We store this information up to seven years after the payment (the legal retention period).

Your account

You need to register if you want to use certain parts of our online service. When registering, you need to provide information about yourself, like your name and email. We use this to create an account, where you can log in to with your email and a chosen password.

We use your name and email to do so. We need this because of the contract we draw up with you. We store this information until you close your account. We save this information, so you don’t have to re-enter it at all times and we can easily reach out to you if it’s necessary. You can change your account details at any time.


We would like to send you offers or product announcements occasionally via email or social media. We only do so if you want to and you can object to it at any time. Every mail contains a link to unsubscribe to our mailing list and you can also let us know if you want to unsubscribe by mailing


Our online service may show generic advertisements. We don’t track any personal data, so we don’t know if you like them or not.

Online registration page

You can use Tournify to register for tournaments if the organizer makes use of the online registration page. The organizer decides which information is required to register. We always use your (team)name and email. If you payed online, we retrieve information about the payment from your bank or credit card company via our payment service provider Mollie.

While registering we explicitly ask for your permission to process this information and to share it with the event organizer. We store this information until the organizer deletes the tournament, deletes your details or closes its account.

Sharing data with third parties

We only share your personal data with other companies or institutions if it is necessary for our online service or we are legally obliged to do so.

We cooperate with certain organizations, so these partners can obtain your personal data. This is necessary to provide our service. We use the Firebase back-end from Google for the authentication, database and storage. Firebase has drawn up clear preconditions for the data processing and security which comply with the European regulatory. All Firebase services completed the ISO 27001, SOC 1, SOC 2 and SOC 3 evaluation processes successfully.


Our online service uses cookies. Cookies are small files in which we can store information, so you don’t have to re-enter it at all times. But we can also view you’re visiting again.

You can disable cookie placement in your browser, but some parts of our online services won’t work without them. For example, you are then unable to create tournaments and make changes to your tournaments.

We made arrangements with other companies who place cookies about the use of them. But we don’t have full control on this, so make sure to read their privacy policies as well.

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to track how visitors are using our online servers. We signed a data processing agreement with Google with clear arrangements about the information they can store. We restricted Google to use the obtained Analytics for other Google services and we let Google anonymize the IP addresses.


We take security measures to reduce misuse of and unauthorized access to personal data. To protect your privacy, access to personal data is protected with an email and password. We make use of safe connections (Secure Sockets Layer or SSL) to provide communications security between you and our website when entering personal data.

Changes to this privacy policy

We reserve the right to modify this statement. We recommend that you review this statement regularly, so that you remain informed of any changes.

Inspection and modification of your data

You can always contact us if you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or wish to review, modify or delete your personal data. You have the following rights:

  • Receive an explanation of the personal data we have and what we do with it
  • Inspect the personal data we have
  • Request mistakes to be corrected
  • Request outdated personal data to be deleted
  • Revoke permissions
  • Raise objection to any specific use

Always make sure you clearly identify yourself when contacting us, so we are sure we don’t modify or delete information of any other person.

File a complaint

If you think we aren’t helping you properly, you have the right to file a complaint at the supervisor authority. It is called the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Contact information

Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237
1012DL Amsterdam, The Netherlands
+31 20 211 71 09
